Hey, did you know you can record professional-quality home videos? So it is! Best of all, you don’t even need a state-of-the-art camera for that. Nowadays there are many cell phones on the market that do not lack in terms of resolution, they even allow videos to run on all players. So, if you’re low on money, but want to record professional-quality home videos, we’re bringing these super tips exclusively for you. Check out!
1. Plan the video

The first and perhaps the most obvious step is planning your video. After all, you can’t just start recording without having an agenda, with the set or even the necessary equipment defined.
So, have a plan, establish what the topics of the video will be, think about who you want to reach, study a little about digital marketing and get down to business!
2. Setup a scenario that is related to your theme

If you want to convey the idea that your home video is of professional quality, then you need to pay attention to the scenario.
The most appropriate thing is that the setting is in accordance with the theme of the approach of your video. For example it’s no use talking about finance and investments if you’re in an environment that doesn’t pass seriously.
That is, the scenario is one of the factors that can generate public interest. In addition, the best thing is to choose elements that dialogue with the theme of your channel!
Going back to the previous example, assuming your channel is about finance, pile up some books related to that area, dollar signs ($), and phrases that have to do with your topic. This might work fine!
But be careful not to overdo the accessories! Excess can cause the opposite result of what you expect.
3. Create proper lighting for home videos

3. Create proper lighting for home videos
If you are going to produce home videos, it is important to make some investments in video setup and inadequate lighting for the type of content you are going to cover on the channel.
You can choose between more natural lighting, which is daylight, or more artificial, which can be softbox and ring light, for example.
Depending on your type of content, you can take the opportunity to record during daylight with softer lighting.
But if during the day it’s too noisy and you can’t record, it’s possible to shoot the video at night with a saltbox, which offers a softer diffused light.
Remember that it is essential to think about the lighting of the video. This can make all the difference when it comes to showing your professionalism to the public.
4. Set the camera and microphone to use

As mentioned earlier, to make home videos you don’t need a Canon camera, for example. Through your cell phone, you can create great content!
Today’s cell phones have a great camera resolution, which can match even professional ones. Ideally, the image should have a resolution of 1280×720, which already works very well for your purpose, right?
Regarding the microphone, since you’ve saved up on the camera, it’s worth investing in an external microphone. Do you know why?
This type of microphone works best for capturing sound, which can help a lot when you’re doing the final editing of the video.
Thanks for reading this article by ExtNext, hope you will learn something about professional video recording