Finding a broker that offers truck driver insurance is not always easy. The truck driver profession, like many others, involves several risk factors, which would justify the reluctance of insurers to accept the contracts of these courageous professionals.
However, the importance of insurance for a truck driver comes from the fact that he is exposed to daily risks on the roads and would need to guarantee the family’s financial tranquility if he were unable to work.
So, you know it’s important, but many insurers don’t take it. How to get around this impasse? Keep calm. There are already good insurers on the market that provide insurance for brave professionals. Keep reading our article as this is what we are going to talk about.
Know the risks of the profession
Let’s start with some examples of risk factors for truck drivers in their daily lives.
poor road network
The working environment of truck drivers is the roads. Unfortunately, much of the road network is precarious. The signage leaves something to be desired, the paving lacks maintenance, and so on. The danger is in the work environment itself.
Recklessness on the roads
As much as the professional is prudent and practices defensive driving, adopting procedures to avoid accidents, he is not alone on the highways. Studies by the Ministry of Transport on road safety indicate that 53.7% of road accidents involve the human factor, that is, recklessness and negligence on the part of drivers.
Cargo robbery and theft
Another danger lurking around truck drivers comes from insecurity on the roads. The valuable loads carried by them attract the greed of thieves. Unfortunately, robberies on the roads are a reality in the country and constitute another threat to driving professionals.
Vehicle mechanical problems
Failure to properly maintain the truck also poses a risk to professional drivers and other drivers. News of carts running out of control due to lack of brakes is not rare in the press. A heavy truck out of control can drag other cars on a busy highway and cause serious damage.
Animals on the track
The Highway Police does what it can, but the truth is that inspection is insufficient to cover the immense highway network. Cases of animals escaping the fences and ending up in the middle of the road are common and leave drivers in great danger.
Pressure to meet deadlines
The work is stressful and the pressure to deliver the load on time is great. This leads the truck driver to neglect rest periods and even take medication to stay awake. The sum of stress, physical fatigue, and drug use can have disastrous consequences.
Health risk factors
The lifestyle of truck drivers is not the healthiest. They drive long hours without rest, do not exercise, and eat heavy meals at roadside restaurants. In addition, obesity, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and alcoholism are risk factors for health also present in the reality of freight drivers.
So far, you have known a series of risks involved in the truck driver profession and, certainly, you have already convinced yourself that hiring truck driver insurance is of fundamental importance. Read on to learn more about how it works and what types of insurance you can choose from.
Understand how truck driver insurance works
Basically, insurance is an agreement between an insurance company and the contractor, called the insured, in which the first promises to pay compensation to the second, in certain occurrences, called claims. For this, the contracting insured must pay a certain amount, known as a premium, to the contracted insurance company.
The amounts involved in insurance are calculated by insurers taking into account, among other factors, risk situations. Therefore, courageous professionals, such as truck drivers, may encounter resistance from certain insurers when seeking to purchase insurance.
However, as we have already said, there are good brokers on the market that not only accept, but also offer simplified, quick, and bureaucratic hiring. For the driver who is always on the road, it is possible to do the entire process over the Internet, even using a cell phone. There is no need to sign anything and the policy is delivered by email.
Check out details about personal accident insurance for brave professionals
Among personal insurance, this is the type that caters to workers in risky professions, such as truck drivers, firefighters, police officers, electricians, and many others. In the event of an accident that made it impossible for the professional to exercise his profession, he would receive a certain amount of money, to meet the family’s financial needs.
Events such as accidental death and temporary or permanent disability would also be covered by personal accident insurance. It is important to note that this insurance would cover death from an accident, but not from natural causes. In the latter case, coverage would be through life insurance.
Thanks for reading this article by ExtNext, hope you will learn something about Truck driver insurance.